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Let us introduce you to our Pre-Kindergarten Group! 

Our daily schedule involves several different learning techniques in multiple different ways. We start our day eating breakfast together and then transition into reading books or working on complex puzzles. They love watching the picture come together, using hand-eye coordination, and teamwork to make it all come together as one. In our group time we complete different aspects of learning and engaging in one another such as: 

  • Attendance
  • ABC's
  • Numbers- counting by ones, twos, fives, and tens. Counting backwards and Spanish #1-10
  • Colors Recognition, and Spelling the Colors
  • Shapes
  • Learning to read Beginner Books
  • Songs with actions
  • Months of the Year
  • Days of the Week
  • Weather
  • Upcoming Events/Holidays
  • Show and Share Time

After Group Time we work on our Early Learning Success Curriculum and Zoo-Phonics. Next we move into free play where the children can freely choose what they want to play with while we start Art and Science stations, rotating with small groups. We do arts and crafts daily, and science project at least twice a week. We base our Arts and Science around weekly/biweekly themes. A few different themes that we've done in the past include, but are not limited to:

  • Beach/Ocean
  • Apples
  • Animals (Bears, Birds, Cats, Dogs, Elephants, Gorillas, Horses, etc.)
  • Farming
  • Bugs
  • Fruits, Vegetables
  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
  • Emergency Responders
  • Holidays (New Years, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Groundhogs Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.)

Once the children finish with free play and stations, they clean up and do large muscle movements/exercises before lunch. We do a variety of stretching, work out clips, dancing, group games, obstacle courses, parachute, and outside time. After lunch they lay down and watch a short tv show and then rest their bodies for a half hour. If a child falls asleep we let them sleep for an hour. If they do not fall alseep, we play quietly with table toys and work on sorting, stacking, counting, writing, tracing, and coloring.

Our staff maintains the proper 10 to 1 child to staff ratio. We attend regular inservice training to continually further our education, and keep our classroom records up to date. We keep our toys and room clean. Our environment is decorated with kindergarten-friendly decor to stimulate their senses and encourage learning. Monthly newsletters are sent home to keep parents informed. 


~Learn more about our Lead Staff~

Jane Deglman, Owner


Opened February, 2006



Husband David, three sons Erick, Tommy and Sam


Gardening on my farm, Shopping and Family



I get to go to work everyday seeing may dream come true

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